Estimated Average Cost of Invention
The Green Battery production is very cheapest. I took based on how many I could waisting in cash making that from home using utensils purchaseds in regional markets. If I making exactly today all I would purchasing was a total cost of $ 30.00 (USD), to produce a battery with 20 cells to generates up to 12 Volts; or 160 cells multiplying in eight-fold its potency works or more.
Relation Between Volume and Energy
A Standard and naked cell can occupy 10mm x 10mm x 15mm of space to produce 0.6V. In question, heights normally is not more than to 15mm.
PS: I performed na experiment already which was possible to produce 3.25 Volts in six water drops. The total dimensions was not more than 3mm x 3mm x 3mm and I did free hand. Industrially it can reaches much more results!