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Main advantages are: This cells doesn’t need of sun light for working. No needs of winds power, and is not necessary to put them in higher temperature, because it works well in temperature lower than 0ºC

Subjected to recent tests I got excellent results. I performed tests in water temperature from 0ºC up to 100ºC, and when water reaches 100ºC its intensity grow up in 10000% (a ten thousand percent).

Another advantage is what the leasing of space of  modules in the assemblies (in this case I’m telling about GES Module and no Green Battery).

Advantages about cell sizes and locations – On the contrary to solar photovoltaic that need its faces uncovered for catchment of sun light and day light, my GES Module can be located overlapping one another, saving space.

And the greatest advantage is about composition; purely green! 100% reciclable, renewable and  cheap!